Recently I have noticed the liberal media being called the “dinosaur” media. It fits! Viewer ratings on liberal media TV news shows are at all time lows and continue to sink. Liberal news papers are losing subscription, laying off staff and closing down operations. The once media giants are becoming irrelevant. The leading source of news is now talk radio and conservative talk shows lead the ranks. Rush Limbaugh has more listeners than ABC, NBC and CBS combined.
Yet, liberals continue to deny the obvious. They fail to comprehend why their media’s rating continue to sink. Liberals fail to admit consumers recognize the media’s primary objective is to promote the liberal agenda and regurgitate the liberal democrat party line. It misrepresents facts to support its liberal bias, creates stories or exaggerates events if they believe the misinformation will promote the liberal agenda. The evidence of liberal media bias, dishonesty, propagandizing and misreporting is so overwhelming that it would take volumes larger than the U.S. tax code to document.
One method liberals use to misrepresent the truth is the misuse of language. Fred Barnes addressed the liberal lexicon used to obfuscate in an article he wrote in the Weekly Standard. I would suggest that liberals have been employing this method for decades. The ever-changing liberal lexicon is a means to dupe the average liberal who is incapable of independent thought or hopefully fool their opponents.
For instance, when promoting tax increases to pay for increased spending on social programs liberals refer to it as “revenues”, not tax increases. Even the social programs name has morphed over the years. In the 1960’s liberals sold it as the “war on poverty” and called it “welfare”. Welfare became extremely unpopular so it became “entitlements” and now liberals call it “investment”. Excuse me, Investments? What financial instrument is being used and what is the return?
Consider how liberals have used their misleading lexicon to promote their racial agenda. Through dishonesty and misrepresentation they promote state sponsored racism with the creation of the word “affirmative action” to define racial quotas and preferences.
Or take the liberal misuse of the word “choice”. Liberals have morphed the meaning of choice depending on the issue and how it fits their agenda. In reference to abortion, Liberals use “pro-choice” for those who support abortion and “anti-choice” for those oppose to abortion. Yet the word choice is applicable for both as one is making a choice either way. However, the term “school” choice is deemed destructive, especially by the teachers unions. Since parental choice in schools their children will attend is contrary to the liberal agenda of segregation of the races and maintaining perpetual poverty among minorities and poor white Americans, proponents of school choice are viciously attacked by liberals. These people who just want a better education for their children are accused of being “neo-cons” attempting to destroy public education.
On issues of our national security liberals have redefined defeat. Only the unpatriotic and delusional liberal democrats led by John Murtha could refer to the defeatist terms of withdraw and surrender as “redeployment”. The pathetic liberals are attempting to make it seem like “re-deployment” or “withdraw” is a tactical maneuver instead of what it is, surrender and defeat!
Oddly enough Liberals are uniquely aware of the unpopularity of their true philosophy. This is illustrated by the continual changes in how they refer to themselves. Liberals subscribe to the teachings of Karl Marx and are Marxist. But, as the term Marxist became unpopular they changed their name to Communist, then to Populist, then to Socialist and then to Liberals. Now Liberals are beginning to disclaim that term and more are calling themselves Progressive. Dishonesty and obfuscation is the rule they live by. However, a liberal by any name, or their lexicon of obfuscation does not change their destructive agenda!
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