The Clintons are desperately resorting to negative politics now that they are losing ground to Obama. Give it a week or two and you will see Billary telling Obama that he is black (indeed he is) while he will reply to her that she is a woman (is she?).
I love to watch the slug fest on the Democrat side. They claim so often that we are the bad guy – it is pure poetry to see over funded Democrats tearing down other over funded Democrats (with the money they spend destroying each other, they could have provided health care to a couple of hundred of thousands of their constituents making up destructive innuendos, resorting to dirty politics, using third party mouth pieces to do the dirty work, digging out and distorting things, slinging mud, belittling each other, suing each other in court to block voters from voting. I love to see Democrazy in action! (not to mistake with Democracy!). You guys are Bad!
Now that they have exposed their true colors, perverted the voting process, divided their electorate to better conquer, made Race an issue (Thank you Billy boy), promised more of my hard earned money for a medical scam, and told the enemy that if they are elected, America will officially be defeated in 2009 and will withdraw home to wait for another kick in the butt, (just to name a few items they preach), let us get ready to use it all and more against whoever is going to be their nominee!
If it is good to use by a Democrat against a Democrat, it is good for us against them too, right….So guys, out there, please lay low when McCain will take on the survivor of your social experiment.
The last piece, the candle on the cake, the star of the Christmas tree will be coming soon to us, delivered at home during their convention: are the Super-delegates going to follow the will of the people, and how! I can hardly wait to see how the Democrazyc process works!
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