In 1992 the new liberal messiah promised change and a return Carter’s Liberalism. Today, the new messiah promises change and a return to liberalism seen during the glory days of the Clinton’s. Let’s review some of that glory.
Unethical and Illegal Fundraising
- Indonesian James Riady, (Lippo Group) made illegal foreign contributions of $1 million into Clinton”s presidential campaign and paid an $8.6 million fine for his indiscretions
- Vinod Gupta, of unethical infoUSA, Inc, arranged more than $3 million to the Clinton”s political campaigns and used company funds to provide them with corporate jet usage
- Hillary Clinton sold donor information through InfoUSA and collected $340,000 from their mailing solicitations
- Hillary was involved with Peter Paul in illegal fundraising event that raised $721,895 for her 2000 Senate campaign and fined $35,000 by FEC
- Willie Tan, Saipan sweatshop owner, illegally donated $8,000 to Clintons
- Pauline Kanchanalak, a Thai businesswoman, illegally contributed $690,000 after a June 1996 coffee at the White House with President Clinton
- John Huang, DNC finance chair with links to Chinese Government, funneled $150,000 into the Clinton legal defense fund in exchange for access to the White House
- Charlie Trie, associate from Little Rock with links to Chinese Government, delivered $640,000 in questionable checks and money orders to the Clintons” legal defense fund
- Johnny Chung illegally donated $366,000 from Lt. Col. Liu Chaoying of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to the Clinton
- Bernard Schwartz, Loral Space and Communications, donated $750,000 to Bill Clinton to allow transfer of classified satellite technology to Communist China
- Maria Hsia (D-CA) convicted of participating in the contribution of more than $100,000 in illegal donations from a Buddhist temple to Clinton’s 1996 presidential campaign.
- Norman Hsu illegally raised more than a million dollars for Hillary Clinton”s presidential campaign
- FALN terrorists pardoned to aid Gore”s presidential campaign and Hillary’s senate campaign
- Marc Rich pardoned after his wife, Denise Rich, donated $450,000 to the Clintons
- Cocaine trafficker Carlos Anabel Vignali pardoned after paying Hough Rodham $400,000
- Almon G. Braswell was pardoned after paying $200,000 to Hugh Rodham
- Vonna Jo & Gregory, United Shows Int. pardoned paying Anthony Rodham $107,000
- Susan McDougal was pardoned for her role the Whitewater scandal.
- Roger Clinton was pardoned on drug charges
- Housing Secretary Henry Cisneros pardoned after convicted of lying to the FBI about payments to a mistress.
- Four New Square Hasidic Jews sentenced were reduced to entice the Jewish community to vote for Hillary in her first Senate race.
Corruption, Scandals and Unethical Conduct
- Jerry Zeifman, Counsel to House Judiciary Committee, fired Hillary during Pres. Nixom impeachment inquiry for recommending ethically flawed procedures and violating House rules by disclosing confidential information to unauthorized persons
- Troopergate: Ark. state troopers arranged sexual liaisons for Gov. Bill Clinton
- Hillary withheld subpoenaed Rose Law Firm billing records regarding Madison S&L and fraudulent Casa Grande land deal until the statute of limitations expired.
- Clinton’s involved in disappearance of Vince Foster’s documents relating to current investigations of Clinton’s and refused to release his suicide note
- Travelgate: Hillary’s abuse of power in firing White House travel office, used the FBI to fabricate a case against Billy Dale and the justice department to prosecute him
- Whitewatergate: involvement in illegal and unethical real estate financial dealings
- Hillary withheld subpoenaed Whitewater documents until the statute of limitations expired.
- Teamstergate: Ron Carey convicted for illegal transfers of Teamster treasury funds between Carey’s and Clinton’s campaign funds.
- Filegate: Clintons illegally possessed and misused over 500 FBI files and had White House Security Chief Craig Livingston compile an enemies list
- Bill Clinton involved in unethical sexual misconduct with Monica Lewinsky
- Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice
- David Rosen, Hillary’s national finance director, linked to false campaign finance reports in connection with the fundraiser by Peter Paul
- Clintons involved in Enron, Global Crossing, World Com Scandals and received campaign contributions from each company
- Sandy Berger, Clinton’s NSA, convicted for burglary and unlawfully removing classified documents critical of Clinton from the National Archives
- James Levin, Hillary senate fund-raiser pled guilty to felony mail fraud charges and defrauding the Chicago public school system.
- Mark Penn, Hillary’s chief strategist, illegally eavesdropped and monitored personal e-mails of a rival polling company
Corrupt Officials in Clinton Administration
- Ron Brown, Commerce Secretary involved in Chinagate campaign finance scandal
- Gov. James Guy Tucker (D-Ark) resigned after convicted on federal fraud charges as part of the Whitewater investigation.
- Harold M. Ickes, Clinton Chief of Staff, involved in the “Teamstergate” scandal
- Michael Espy, Sec. of Agriculture, forced to resign due to criminal corruption charges.
- Bruce Babbitt, Interior Secretary, involved in unethical contributions by American Indian tribe casinos.
- Alexis Herman, Labor Secretary, involved in illegal fundraising and financial improprieties
- V.P. Al Gore illegal fundraising from Buddist nuns in California.
- Henry Cisneros, Housing Secretary, resigned for lying to FBI about money he paid former mistress
Of course this is not a complete list of the Clinton’s malevolence. But it does illustrate the moral bankruptcy of liberals. Think about it, the same people that idolized these derelicts and condoned, excused and justified their malicious behavior now ignore their history and expect us to accept their new messiah, “Neville” Obama. With that track record and Obama’s history, one has to wonder what’s in store for America if he wins.
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