I recently read a piece on the righting the wrongs that was done to the about 100,000 Japanese that lived in America during WW2 (Sacramento Bee). $20,000 per interned or the surviving family, and the camps turned into museums for the American guilt trip. That is nice and Americans are so generous and forgiving,
Now that the Japanese Americans have been generously “repaired”, (reparations!), I hope that the media will lead them into getting some war reparations from Japan!
Do you know that Germany paid billions in war damages and reparations, was rebuilt from ground up and completely “denazified” for decades, and its war criminals tried and executed?
Do you know that Japan never ever admitted being the aggressor in Asia or against America, never paid a dime, got immunity for most of its well known war criminals (many of them from the emperor’s family) and even went on to rewrite its own history? Actually Japanese history book even teach how Japan was the victim of the occidental onslaught and tried to protect Asia!
Hiro-Hito was pardoned, kept in power, granted immunity, and never tried for his responsibility in the war crimes in China, all over Asia and against POWs and civilian populations.
He was left to rule his people through the American reconstruction of his empire (paid by the American people) that eventually led Japan to its economic success.
Do you think we could have left Hitler in power in Germany, and pardon the SS and other criminal German organizations, and individuals?
No way!
However, it happened in Japan, in the name of the Cold war and now Americans are made to feel guilty about the internment of a potentially dangerous population that had been infiltrated by spies and have actively -or not- helped the Japanese war effort.
You should go and talk to the few surviving WW2 US veterans before shedding a tear. They left their families back home to fight the Japanese armies for a few bucks a month, not enough for the people left behind to buy food or basic things. As they always tell me, the interned Japanese were provided with a roof, some medical care, and some food, commodities that were denied to most of their relatives.
Will you quit forwarding the self-destructive agenda that Americans are bad and the rest of the world are our victims?
That is an agenda for shyster lawyers, for the feel good crowd that want to save the world, reach out, show the example that is suicidal!
It was war, for Christ sake. And a very nasty one in the Pacific.
We would have fought it at home and abroad like we are fighting the most recent one, we would be Japanese or German slave workers.
History is well documented and shows what has happened. Let us not forget it, and let us remember that the healing process should not be for us only to bear!
Finally, in my long stand against selective racial discrimination, let us not forget that during World War II, 51,156 Italians were also interned in the United States.
But America had a “justifiable” cause against people of Italian and German origins but NO REASON at all beside racism against Japan and people of Japanese origins!
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