Sen. Harry Reid pronounced the War is Lost. Sen. Hillary Clinton pronounced the “Surge” would fail. NBC News Correspondent and liberal lap dog Andrea Mitchell said, “The conflict in Iraq is becoming more unwinnable and White House hopes for a solution exceed all rationality.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi told Fox News’ Brit Hume that Iraq is “not a war to be won but a problem to be solved.”
Apparently the US Military did not get the Liberal Democrat memo calling for defeat. To make matter worse for Democrats, their terrorist allies are in disarray. The Times of London, 02/11/08, reported, “Al-Qaeda Leaders Admit: ”We are in Crisis. There is Panic and Fear” — Al-Qaeda in Iraq faces an extraordinary crisis. It noted al-Qaeda’s leader in Anbar Province wrote a 39 page letter seized during a US raid near Samarra, that last year’s mass defection of ordinary Sunnis from al-Qaeda to the US military ”created panic, fear and the unwillingness to fight” and the terrorist group”s security structure suffered ”total collapse.” [Read more…]