Human trafficking is one of the ugliest and most preventable man-made disasters in our world today. Many of the cases worldwide involve the massive sexual brutalization upon millions of the most marginalized groups in society- children, woman, refugees, ethnic minorities, and the poor in the most horrific encounters imaginable. The appalling epidemic of human trafficking unfortunately only flourishes in areas that it is tolerated by the local law enforcement. The multi-billion dollar industry of forced abduction, rape, and false imprisonment can only thrive if the perpetrators hold out the victims of these crimes to the general public so that customers can locate the people and “services”. This is a simple historical marketing strategy: If the customers don’t know the service exists, sales will probably be limited or non-existent.
Brothel keepers and pimps cannot hide their victims and to make a great return on their investment, they must keep their service open to the public for continuous long periods of time. How do we keep a public open door policy on an illegal (almost world-wide) felony act? This is generally facilitated by bringing the government or local law enforcement into the business by sharing profits of the corrupt business for the exchange of protection against local governing laws. “Sex trafficking requires the commission of multiple felonies in a way that is held out openly to the public”(G.Haugen, 2003). [Read more…]