“There is no substitute for victory” General Douglas MacArthur
“Neville” James Baker and Lee Hamilton “Chamberlain” submitted their Iraq “Surrender” Group report this week and it’s the talk of the town. The Sunday talk shows were replete with experts agreeing with and critical of the recommendations of the report, but not eventual withdraw.
Islamic Jihadist are pleased as the report gives them exactly what they wanted, a roadmap for U.S. defeat in the Middle East. The report does not mention victory, it’s a list to explain and justify defeat. Liberal democrats are giddy with the report as it is confirmation of their “Defeat with Honor” agenda. While Baker disagrees and says it does not advocate surrender or troop withdraw, actually it does. Baker-Hamilton use “diplo-mese” like setting bench marks for Iraqi achievement before surrendering so American politicians can blame the defeat on Iraqis.
Should there be any surprise with a report that subtlety advocates defeat? Let’s take a brief look at the report’s architects. This is the same James Baker who was an architect of other foreign policy blunders; diplomatic appeasement of the Chinese government by minimizing the use of tanks to massacre students in Tiananmen Square; appeasement of Syrian dictator Assad prior to the 1990 Gulf War by allowing his brutal occupation of Lebanon in exchange for his alliance against Iraq; left Saddam Hussein in power after the Gulf War, then after encouraging the Kurds and Shiâ’ites to rebel refused to help them when he began to slaughter hundreds of thousands; and in 1991 refused to support independence for the rebellious republics of the Soviet Union and urged the Ukrainians to remain under the Soviet boot.
This is the same Rep. Lee Hamilton that as the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee continued to support the failed foreign policies of the Clinton Administration that fueled the terrorist belief the U.S. was weak. Also, on April 5, 1997, Mansoor Ijaz gave Hamilton a letter from the Sudanese president offering to allow the FBI’s counter-terrorism team to go to Sudan to review intelligence on al-Qaeda terrorist and cooperate with the U.S. in hunting down the terrorist in their country. Hamilton ignored the offer.
The fast-food-immediate-gratification mentality of the ADD politicians and American public serves the Jihad well. Before we demand a quick retreat, a slow withdraw or let’s just all get along diplomacy, let’s review a few facts about prosecuting war and establishing a democratic government.
The American Revolutionary War lasted 8 years (1785-1783) and spent 6 years to form a government (1883-1789). The U.S, “War of Succession” lasted 4 years (1861-1865) and the Reconstruction lasted 12 years (1865-1877). U.S. involvement in World War II lasted almost 4 years (1941-1945) and the military occupation of Japan lasted 7 years (1945-1952) and Germany lasted 9 years (1945-1954). Arrogant liberals and politicians criticize the Iraqi’s lack of loyalty to Iraq and identifying themselves with tribes or Sunni or Shiâ’ite. They ignore the fact that Americans identified themselves with the state of residency, not as Americans, until after WW1, about 145 years after the country was formed. Iraq is only in its 4th year.
Patience is a virtue lost on liberals and pacifist but not on our enemy. Ayatollah Khomeini declared jihad on the U.S. in 1979. Since then the Islamic Jihadist has been patiently waging war and killing Americans. Al-Qeada spent years planning the attack on Sept. 11, 2001. Now after 5 years “impatient” liberals and ADD Americans are “tired” of the war. Juan Williams on Dec. 10th Fox Sunday News expressed the liberal mantra when he said “We can’t be there for 10 to 20 years, were not it forever”. Islamic terrorist have been and are!
Many Americans have forgotten when Congress and President Bush declared war on Iraq and terrorism after 9-11 he expressed that this war would be a long and difficult war and victory would not be achieved during his presidency, and America would not surrender and would achieve victory. Jihadist continuously express disbelief in American’s will to fight. A belief based on an American track record in Vietnam and its response to terrorism, including Clinton’s lack of response and retreat from Mogadishu.
Jihadist are further embolden by liberal democrats and weak republicans rhetoric, evidenced by Nancy Pelosi when she expressed the liberal view that “we are not in Iraq to win the war but fix the problem”. Islamic Fascist are in Iraq to win. Liberal rhetoric and the diplomatic surrender theme of the Baker-Hamilton report only furthers the resolve of the enemy by confirming their belief that if they continue the strategy of just continuing to fight and killing innocent Iraqi’s and American soldiers, they will be victorious. Time will tell.
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