Nancy Peligrosa is willing to risk the US already delicate situation in Iraq in the name of the appeasement of a powerful Armenian lobby that has been pushing again and again for the recognition by the US of the Armenian genocide conducted by the Ottoman Empire about a hundred years ago. Turkey is a critical NATO partner and a much more critical ally in the war in Iraq. The US uses Turkey as a rear logisitic base for its supply and air lift operations. One third of the fuel used by our military transits through Turkey (so much for the people who claim we went in for Iraqi oil!). [Read more…]
The War
“The war” is not about the minority groups that fought in World War two. It presents as many live testimonies as possible from the survivors of a disappearing generation. In the name of some twisted notion of diversity and entitlement, the documentary is called biased because soldiers of Hispanic origins that made the biggest fighting minority of the US Army don’t have the second biggest “air time” in the movie. This is not affirmative action and nowhere is it written that anything that is displayed, filmed or written should embrace every single thin skinned citizen that makes the angry fabric of our society.
What is next? The Gay community is going to call for a boycott of the movie, women, Italians, war dogs? What about the proud 442nd Regimental Combat Team of the United States Army, a unit uniquely composed of Japanese Americans who fought in Europe and never got reparations? Maybe the “Latino” community – and others – should make their own documentary to preserve their heritage. I made my mind up and won’t watch “The war” because it completely ignores the US soldiers from French ancestry. I know racism when I see it and this is as anti-French as it could be!
Racial Gap in Education?
A Californian State report on State wide results in California schools showed that the origins of the “racial” educational gap is more cultural than financial (“Tests show racial achievement gap. State results shed new light on wealth vs. poverty debate” Article by Laurel Rosenhall – Sacramento Bee Staff Writer).
Basically, it demonstrated that across the State, poor white and Asian students were even faring better than their affluent and Hispanic peers. Now that the myth of poverty is out of the pictures when we talk about education, it is time to systematically include the higher achievement rate of poor and wealthy Asians in all types of studies (school performances, jobs, salaries, parent involvement, success) to get the white man guilt out of the picture and show that education, like anything else, is a matter of culture indeed, but also of parental involvement and personal will to succeed. [Read more…]
The Muslims Next to You
While Hamas runs a Disney Channel type TV show promoting hatred and brainwashing the future Palestinian generation of anti-Semite and suicide bombers, the American Muslim community is dead silent. It might be too busy suing the States in order to remove any offensive mention of the nationality or religion of the 9-11 terrorists from school books to prevent the Arab world and Islam from looking bad.
In the meantime, a May 22, 2007 Pew Research Center poll of American Muslims showed that only 5% of the American Muslims support Al Qaeda, openly enough to state it for the poll. Only 5%? That is five potential homegrown terrorists for every hundred Muslims. The religion of Peace is in action, at home, or on TV!
No Blog: August Recess!
Federally, the Prez is at Camp David for a well deserved time off. It is tiring to be the US president with the lowest approval ratings ever (33% Aug 2007 Gallup). Impeach him because he does not represent the majority of the people.
Congress is on vacation. Remember, it is this time of the year when they drop everything (even hot matters like deficient bridges) in order to get a primary house remodeled, or to count packs of dollar bills neatly stacked in a freezer, or whatever else they do for a living when they don’t vote to finance various wars or Big Brother laws while claiming they don’t support them. Remember, it is tiring to be the US Congress with the lowest approval ratings ever (29% Aug 2007 Gallup), even lower than the Prez. Impeach them all because senators and representatives don’t represent the majority of the people. [Read more…]
Way to Go!
One pretty disturbed animal was reading the obituaries when he saw the picture of a beautiful 20 year old woman that died of a motorbike accident a couple of days before. He felt a sexual urge and asked his twin brother and a bisexual friend to help him dig her out and they both agreed. The trio was caught red-handed trying to open the tomb and confessed.
Guess what: because there is no law in Wisconsin against necrophilia (having sex with a corpse), they will only be charged for the damages on private properties, and eventually released in a street pretty similar to yours! [Read more…]
Has King’s Dream Come True?
Has King’s dream come true? On the one hand, for almost forty years, Martin Luther King’s legacy has been affirmative action, the legalization of racial discrimination. So much for the dream and “the force of the character and not the color of the skin”. Poor MLK must be turning in his tomb with his name reduced to some Burger King’s meal appellation and his dream totally perverted with the full support of the people he stood for.
On the other hand, the first “black” president will take the oath tomorrow, something Martin Luther King has always dreamed of, an achievement showing that race indeed can be an opportunity. But for whom? Race still being an issue for the world’s media and for the majority on the left that have forever cashed on the “victimization” of the minorities (money for special programs, and votes), our new president has become a symbolic figure, not of “multi-racialism” but of African American achievement. [Read more…]
The Fairness Doctrine
Is failing “progressive talk radio” a constitutional right? Liberals in D.C believe so. In the name of fairness, they want to implement an affirmative action-like program that would legally impose radio “Liberal talk” content on Americans. Conservative programs are blamed for their success and finger-pointed for raising the awareness of their active listeners. Conservative talk shows are run by private companies for profit. They are successful because people actively dial in to listen to them. They are successful because they sell lots of advertising. They are successful because they are entertaining.
Also, they are not force-fed on radio listeners who have the choice to turn them on or off. Have any of you listened to Air America once, while driving. Liberal radio is boring, a driving hazard that should be made illegal. We used to have it in Sacramento until KCTC Sacramento switched to ESPN Sports (Air America filed chapt 11 10/13/06). Get a clue! I cannot wait to see how Democrats are going to make the “Fairness doctrine” fit the First Amendment. But they already sold us on legal racial discrimination to end racial discrimination, didn’t they? Where is the ACLU in this case? LOL.
Bong Hits 4 Jesus – Supreme Court Ruling
Back from France and Happy to see that the Supreme Court has finally shown some common sense by siding with a school that suspended a student for deploying a “bong hits 4 Jesus” banner during an event. The Supremes basically stated that schools can regulate student speech that advocates use of illegal drugs. We talked about it earlier when the ACLU took the case to DC, and today, again common sense rules. [Read more…]
Lebanon: Can We Not Take Sides in a Global World?
The United States decided to take the side of the elected government of Lebanon in its fight against the Fatah Al-Islam militia that took refuge in a Palestinian camp after attacking the military.
$30 to $40 million in military aid is on its way to improve the efficiency of the Lebanese Army that is facing too many armed factions backed by too many countries that have no interest in having peaceful Lebanese countries. The aid will be mostly in vehicles, ammunitions and body armor and US officials have stated that the Lebanese government requested the military assistance program Tuesday (today!). The move will most likely be a strong message toward Syria, suspected to be backing up extremists groups that have been behind recent car bombings and assassinations, and also toward Iran and its Hezbollah’s. Remember that Lebanon is and has been a power keg ready to fall in yet another fratricide bloody civil war. [Read more…]