“When you put too much power in the hands of unelected, unaccountable people who have every incentive to focus massive resources onto one particular person, who gets the plaudits in the media for doing so, it”s a bad thing.” Former Senator Fred Thompson
On June 5th Judge Reggie Walton sentenced Lewis “Scooter” Libby to 30 months in jail for a conviction of perjury and obstruction of justice by lying to the FBI during the sham Valerie Plame investigation. This is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice ever perpetrated by our judicial system!
From the beginning this investigation was a farce. The false allegation was that the Bush Administration “leaked” the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame in retaliation for her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, claiming that Saddam Hussein did not seek uranium in Niger. The liberals fomented this non-story as exampled by David Corn, of the Nation magazine, by reporting that Robert Novak revealed that Wilson had been sent to investigate Iraqi uranium shopping in Niger at the behest of his wife, Plame, a CIA employee.
Liberal democrats like Sen. Schumer began calling for an investigation into the “outing” of a CIA agent hoping it would implement Karl Rove and V.P. Cheney. President Bush capitulated and in December 2003, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald was appointed and began his probe to determine whether any government official knowingly leaked Plame’s identity as a CIA employee to the media.
The investigative charade begins at this point. Almost as soon as the investigation began Fitzgerald determined that Valerie Plame was a CIA analyst and not a covert CIA operative under the terms of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act. Fitzgerald also discovered that the “leaker” was not any of the White House officials targeted by democrats, but a State Department official critical of President Bush named Richard Armitage.
The investigation revealed that since Valerie Plame was not a covert CIA operative she was not subject to the law. Also, since Armitage only mentioned her name in passing during a discussion about Wilson’s trip to Niger and did not intentionally “leak” her name to “out” her. That means Fitzgerald knew early on that NO crime was committed and there was no reason to continue the investigation.
Yet, Patrick Fitzgerald kept the fact that no crime had been committed a secret and continued the pointless investigation for three years. Then he culminated this sham with only one arrest. Not the “leaker” Armitage, but a witness, Scooter Libby. He charged Libby with perjury and obstruction of justice because his recollection of events differed from other reporters that were interrogated. What is even more outrageous is that the other reporters all had different recollections and like Tim Russert, exhibited the same faulty memories while testifying during the trial.
On March 6, 2007, a jury in liberal Washington DC convicted Scooter Libby for perjury and obstruction of justice. As proof this was a political lynching the jurors stated after the trial that they believed Libby should be pardoned because they “felt” he was the scapegoat for Karl Rove, V.P. Cheney and President Bush. Then why did they convict him if they did not believe he was responsible? I submit it was because they were typical liberals lacking moral character and looking for a way to attack President Bush.
What is worse is that in a letter to Judge Walton, Paul Wolfowitz described how Scooter Libby offered his services pro bono or at reduced costs to help friends with legal issues, including the defense of Richard Armitage against libelous accusations. Armitage then repaid Libby by failing to reveal he was the “leaker” of non-criminal information.
These liberals feigning moral indignation and supporting a prison sentence for Scooter Libby are the same patricians who desired no prison time for the murder Ted Kennedy; or the Clinton’s for the crimes of perjury, obstruction of justice, rape, sexual assault, fraud and a host of other felonies; or Sandy Berger for burglary and theft of classified documents; or Rep. William Jefferson for bribery, or a plethora of other liberal democrats convicted of real crimes.
Elitist liberals believe that the rule of law only pertains to conservatives and “common” criminals and they are exempt from incarceration for their crimes. I hope President Bush has the gonads to pardon Scooter Libby, even if it angers the left.
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