“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” H.L. Mencken
It has taken only a few weeks for the Man-Boy messiah to expose both his ineptitude and Marxist agenda. In efforts provide cover for his incompetence brain-dead liberals deflect, misdirect and lie on such a massive scale that it would make Joseph Goebbels proud.
Take the economy. In a speech to his congressional democrat minions at their Kingmill retreat, the new messiah reiterated the liberal myth. He whined about inheriting this economy and President Bush left it to him with a big bow. Yet the Man-Boy ignores the fact that President Bush also inherited a recession and did not whine like a child.
Instead, on every media source available, willfully ignorant liberals parrot the democrat talking points to mislead anyone dumb enough to listen. One lie they repeat adnauseam is the current economic predicament was caused by the Bush tax cuts and same old worn out republican ideas. According to the new messiah and other mentally challenged liberals, their trillion dollar government spending program is a new idea that is needed to reverse the last eight years of the horrible Bush economy. Of course the facts disprove their claim.
Economic statistics for 2001-2006 shows a robust economy with an average of 3.5%-4% annual growth in GDP. Yet, during those years the liberal democrats barraged the public with false claims about how bad the economy was. Their fear mongering worked and they gained a control of Congress in 2007 and the economy began to falter. They began their destructive design by increasing the minimum wage and ethanol regulations. The result was increases in unemployment and the cost of gas and food. This resulted in a small minority of foreclosures in sub-prime mortgage loans by people who could not afford them in the first place. Of course, liberals hyped and exaggerated the extent of foreclosures which caused more fear and anxiety.
Democrats also gave us a decrease in consumer confidence, evaporation in household equity and almost a 45% loss in the stock market. Liberals pretend their housing welfare program (Community Reinvestment Act of 1977), the Clinton Administration’s coercion to force banks to make high risk loans and their Fannie and Freddie debacle had nothing to do with the current crisis. Instead they just blame it on Bush and his old worn out ideas.
The Man-Boy messiah offers Economic Justice and a new Socialist 5 year plan, a trillion dollar political spending bill. It merely redistributes wealth and he has the Audacity to call it a stimulus bill. It’s simply a political scheme to increase the democrat voting block by making more Americans dependent on government, thus dependent on Marxist Democrats. The truth is that government does not create self-sustaining jobs or wealth and massive spending destroys more jobs than it creates and only redistributes wealth. It removes the incentive to invest, produce and succeed. Government finances spending by taxing, borrowing or printing more money.
Other messiahs promised change, hope and justice. Lenin in 1917; Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and FDR in the 1930’s; Mao in the 1950’s; Castro in the 1960’s and the Ayatollah Khomeini of the 1980’s, all promised change and led their nations to economic disasters. And the Man-Boy messiah wants to follow their worn out failed ideas.
Under the guise of Social and Economic Justice democrats will seize private property and limit freedom. They will use scams like the “Cap-and-trade” bill, a scheme to create scarcity and sell the right to produce the resource it has made scarce. They will use the Fairness Doctrine to censor freedom of speech and silence opposition.
According to Canada’s Fraser Institute there is a direct correlation between economic freedom and prosperity; the more economic freedom the more prosperity. They defined five areas that facilitate economic freedom and the U.S. is already declining in 4 of the areas: size of government, security of property rights, access to sound money and regulation of credit, labor, and business.
The Man-Boy messiah and democrats are hyping fear so Americans will go along with their worn out ideas that will put us on a fast track to repeat the Carter or FDR years. For a preview of the outcomes just look at what his poster child for Obamanomics, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm, did to her state. Even liberal myth building will not reverse the results of his old worn out Marxist ideas. Hopefully he will be another failure.
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