Louis Farakhan’s new messiah won the election. It was not the landslide liberal democrats are proclaiming. It was not the mandate for the “progressive” agenda that John Podesta announced on Fox News Sunday. It was a sound defeat of the moderate Republican candidate, not conservative values. Including the 1.5 to 2 million fraudulent votes that the messiah did not need, the Marxist messiah won by about the same margin President George Bush beat John Kerry in 2004. Not one liberal democrat identified that 52% – 48% victory a landslide or agreed the 4% margin was a mandate.
Already we are starting to hear some in the liberal press express some “buyer’s remorse”. On Wednesday night after the election Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw were discussing the messiah and admitted they “did not know anything about him.” Newsweek’s Evan Thomas and Jon Mechan referred to the messiah as “a slightly creepy cult of personality.” While these concepts have been substantiated repeated in interviews with liberals, even by respondents in Eric’s blog (Mr. President, 11/4/08), what was really taking place was a hedging of bets. It was a silent admission that the media is extremely biased and endorsed him, failed to objectively vet him, have a foreboding of a pending failed presidency and trying to reestablish some credibility.
Give the new messiah his due. He ran a better campaign than McCain and was better funded, including a third of his contributions coming from illegal foreign sources. It was easy to dupe 52% of the American public with bumper sticker cliches and feel good slogans. His cult will maintain the Land of Oz fantasy but Liberal white guilt will only buy him so much good will and forgiveness if the economy continues to fail due to his Marxist policies. Fear will intensify as our enemies act on perceived weakness from his arrogant naivety.
The new messiah won. Yet, delusional liberal democrats are claiming a mandate, claiming the country unified under the split vote and then hypocritically call for bipartisanship. Democrats exhibit a complete lack of intellectual honesty. First, only liberals believing in fuzzy liberal math would claim a 52% – 48% split doesn’t reflect an evenly divided country. Second, Republicans should be just as partisan as liberals are when they lose by the same margins. Conservative should fight and oppose the messiah’s Marxism just as hard as liberals fought President Bush, only without the deranged hatred. A friend suggested a very good article that reflected and explained this concept of ideological opposition without the visceral hatred exhibited by liberals.
The new messiah won. Now what? He knows he told so many lies and made way too many promises. His lies will be exposed and his promises will be broken. This is because Marxism has never worked and Barack “Lenin” Obama will find it won’t work for him either. As his policies fail all but the brain-dead cultist will finally recognize the lies. He has already begun his attempts to convince his cult and less committed liberals to lower expectations and accept his failures. Will they and for how long?
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