“You Can Put Lipstick on a Socialist, But He’s Still a Socialist” Doug Giles
In the words of the new messiah the republicans offer “just words, just speeches”. He should know. What has Obama done? What has he accomplished? Just an insignificant education and law practice, mediocre governmental experience and choosing is associates very poorly.
The result is a panic his candidacy. Simple minded liberal are having a total meltdown and it’s hilarious. For example, during a segment on Hannity & Combs (09/08/08) Alan was interviewing Chuck Norris and whined when he claimed the economy under President Bush was bad and repeated the liberal myth that under Clinton a good economy, no debt and a surplus. Too bad the facts don”t support the fool. The public debt in 1993 was $4.4 trillion and when Clinton left office in 2001 it was $5.8 trillion. That is a 1.4 trillion dollar increase in debt liberals ignore. Liberals ignore that during the eight years of Clinton the economy averaged a mediocre 2.06% growth in GDP. The overheating of the stock market gave gullible liberals the illusion things were robust until the dot.com crash and a “real” recession from 1999-2001. But what does facts have to do with it? Also there was no surplus, just fuzzy liberal math and wishful thinking.
Combs then attacked Sarah Palin claiming that she is out of touch with a majority of American when who are pro-abortion. Wrong again. Even during the 1970’s the split between woman for pro-life and pro-abortion was as about 50%. There was no real majority supporting either side.
Then Combs regurgitated the democrat talking point that Republicans were trying to scare Americans by falsely saying terrorist were supporting B. Hussein Obama. Once again the facts prove poor Combs is just a simple-minded fool. On May 13, 2008, Al-Jazeera reported Palestinians in Gaza engaging in phone banking activities for Obama and calling American voters at random asking them to vote for Obama. Ahmed Yousef, political adviser of Hamas said Hamas supports Obama and hopes he wins the election. Another example is on Sep. 7, 2008 Newsmax.com reported that Menashe Amir, Radio Israel’s Persian language service, reported that Iranian President Ahmadinejad has expressed “great pleasure” at the prospect of a Barack Obama victory in November and an Iranian religious leader said if Obama will enter the White House, then Islam will conquer the heart of the American nation.
On the Sep. 13, 2008, Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw could not camouflage his liberal bias and support for the new messiah. He attempted to challenge the Marxist Sen. Schumer on democrats raising the lack of experience issue with Sarah Palin when it re-focuses the issue on Obama and resulted in a drop in the polls. Brokaw allowed Schumer to avoid answering the question and let him ramble about liberal myths and bumper sticker slogans. Schumer repeated the liberal talking point that the election will be about Bush’s “bad” economy and change, but did not define what made it a bad economy or define the change Obama will bring. All Schumer could do was trash President Bush’s policies, without defining what policies.
But, Brokaw was more aggressive with Rudy Giuliani. He alleged the McCain ad about Obama supporting sex education for kindergarteners was a false republican attack ad. Giuliani corrected Brokaw with the fact that Obama voted for Illinois General Assembly Senate bill 0099, An Act Concerning Education, that specifically included sex education in kindergarten. Brokaw then supported Obama’s plan to raise capital gains taxes saying Warren Buffet agrees with Obama. Giuliani corrected Brokaw again with instruction on simple economics. An increase in capital gains taxes equals less government revenue every time it is tried. Brokaw defended Obama as a community organizer and repeated the ridiculous analogy traversing the liberal circuit that Jesus was a community organizer and Pontius Pilot was a governor. Talk about Panic! Brokaw went on to raise the ethical issues claiming Palin is not cooperating with Alaska trooper-gate. Giuliani once again corrected Brokaw and explained the investigation is not objective or unbiased and is in fact a political witch-hunt by Obama supporters that have already announced the outcome. No wonder 69% of Americans think the media is liberally biased.
As the moronic liberal media continues to lie in order to defend B. Hussein Obama and distort his resume, the new messiah just makes speeches and offers “Change”. Not the first Marxist to use that ploy. “I will be for change and I”ll bring you change” Fidel Castro
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