Sometimes I just wonder if my English is good enough for the readers of this blog – and I am French – and have a column in two papers, a website, contribute to nonline newsletters and blogs, and have published papers on Amazon – and I am French!
Guys – we don’t care who you think is the best in your social experiment with gender and races – you should have picked up an African American woman or Billary should have gone to a tanning center, being the betrayed wife of Monica’s lover, self proclaimed first African American president!!!
We just enjoy watching and listening to all the dirty politics, mud slinging, cheating, disenfranchising that is happening within the so called Democratic party!
The past years has shown Americans – and the rest of the world – that they are not any better than the Republicans as far as being morally and ethically corrupt – after all they are just rich politicians running for a better paying job and a better status and show all the qualities required for the professional politicians in DC – that is why your congress, now led by Pelosi the millionaire, has the lowest approval ratings ever in the history of congress.
Half of America is currently sitting on its butt enjoying every single bit of the nomination race between Obama and Billary – it is fun, enlightening, entertaining to see self proclaimed “Democrats” – basically insulting everything democracy stands for! And they are not done with the self destruction process and the destruction of the party.
Billary might still have a shot at STEALING the nomination from Obama thx to the superdelegates – but that would be the ruin of the party.
Richardson left the Clintons for Obama and that is not good for the Billary camp. Boo ooooh!
Even if she wins the next challenge, she won’t get the 165 delegates and will trail (she is 120 short already – she would need to win them all – no way!).
Again, and again, and again, we just echo here what is widely reported by the media – you don’t like it, beat it!
Can’t you understand? We don’t even have to make it up!!! That is the beauty! Everyday we just quote Billary or Obama – they provide the food and ammunition for the blogs, the media, the right!!
Jerry, again and again, shows empty handed and empty headed – nothing to bring – nothing new!
The rest of you, many, might be the one still believing Billary is what she re-imaged herself to be – after physical enhancement (between the White house and NY), she now re-invents herself as a leader.
We did not want any papers from her: Obama’s campaign requested them and is still after the tax records.. Left ON left – we sit, watch and enjoy!
Now you blame me because the papers I did not request shows that she rode the luggage bus while traveling with Bill – not my fault!
And tell you what: let her prove that the private meetings were not self serving financial or power deals – let her show they were high end political masterpieces! It will never come because she never did anything!
All of you : blah blah blah!
Your two top contenders are talking and acting for you – and being judged for that – just wake up and smell the coffee – or take a Ritalin!
I felt some “racism” in some Billary supporters?
Guys – for decades you promoted yourself as pro-minorities, affirmative action, all different but equal, etc, etc – that was good to get the votes – but not for minorities to take your jobs?
Tsss,tsss, not good!
At least the right promoted achievement through hard work and not freebies!
Two words: reform DC!
Two more: the delegate system was necessary when delegates travelled across America to D.C on Donkey backs to transmit the will of their people: reform to direct elections!
Two more: Get rid of the 2 party system!
Two more: more Hispanics – Viva la revolucion! (Where was our hispanic female candidate)
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