ABC’s so-called docudrama “The Path to 9/11″ is a grim reminder of the events that shocked this nation five years ago. Instead of re-establishing the unity against a common enemy it has been a catalyst for acrimonious political debate. A movie, a “docudrama”, has also been the conduit to illustrate the hollow and malevolent characteristics of liberalism.
The movie sparked a conversation with a devout Stalinite liberal over the weekend. He attempted to dismiss the movie by saying, “this is a poor subject to use as docudrama”. If this does not demonstrate the hollowness of liberalism, nothing does. The most vicious attack sustained on American soil in our history causing the death of 3000 fellow innocent Americans, is a poor subject to use for a docudrama? So how would liberals compare the docudramas about the events of 9/11 with the docudramas about “Gettysburg”, or “The Longest Day” (D-Day, WWII), or “Midway”, “13 Days” (the Cubin Missile Crisis), the JFK assassination, “Watergate” and of course Pearl Harbor? Were those real events poor subjects to use for docudramas?
Critical analysis of liberal acrimony over this movie reveals the inherent issues, the need to protect the charade legacy of Clinton and the over-powering desire to regain power at-all-cost. The movie was factually accurate with some literary license of course. But, liberals attacked the movie claiming it inaccurately portrayed the Clinton Administration. Clintonites like Richard Ben-Veniste and John Podesta expressed outrage at the screening, demonstrating liberal hypocrisy. The movie was based in part on the 9-11 Commission Report, which is the sacred document liberals used to beat up on President Bush for political points. In fact, the movie was kind to Clinton as there is a plethora of examples of Clinton’s inaction that led to the attack on 9/11 and many sources that document the Clinton Administration’s failures.
The movie could have included Clinton’s quick retreat from Somalia in 1993 leading bin Laden to dismiss America as a paper tiger, or mention Clinton’s refusal of Sudan’s offer to arrest bin Laden for the U.S. It only inferred the multiple opportunities Clinton had to nab or “take out” bin Laden and did not mention the canceled attack because of fear of political repercussions due to a previous “misses” and the mistaken bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade. The movie did not allude to Clinton slashing the intelligence budget, his disinterest in intelligence matters and “risk aversion” that essentially hobbled CIA efforts to get bin Laden.
Liberal critics refute the accuracy of the portrayal of Clinton’s fear to make a decision. However, there are many other sources of this accuracy. The failures of Clinton and his administration are documented by Lt. Col. Robert Patterson in “Dereliction of Duty”, by Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon in “The Age of Sacred Terror”, James Risen in “State of War” and Mark Kosnik in “The Military Response to Terrorism”, just to name a few.
Probably to minimize liberal attacks the movie did not explore the associations between the war on terror and Iraq. There is no mention of Mohammed Atta’s meetings with Iraqi intelligence officers in Prague or terrorist training camps in Iraq. No examination of Saddam Hussein’s mocking of America, growing strength and increasing international support to embolden bin Laden as illustrated by Kenneth Pollack in “The Threatening Storm: The Case for Invading Iraq”.
This movie has resulted in liberals demonstrating intolerance. Liberals have illustrated a willingness to use the power of government to violate the most sacred Freedom of Speech by initiating an attack on the 1st Amendment. Democrat Senators Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Debbie Stabenow, Charles Schumer and Byron Dorgan actually wrote a letter to Robert Iger, CEO Walt Disney Co. threatening the networks free broadcast license if the movie was not edited to satisfy liberal propaganda and historical context.
History will prove this is a great subject for docudramas and I believe “The Path to 9/11″ will be the first of many. Liberal efforts at obfuscation and blaming President Bush for the events of 9/11 will be in vain. With the passing of time and surfacing of truth, Clinton”s legacy will be exactly what it is, that of an incompetent, immoral and corrupt sexual predator.
Liberals fail to realize the movie was not about them or Clinton. It was meant to remind us the enemy is evil taking the form of Islamic Fascism bent on destroying liberals and conservatives. Sadly, what this movie has actually revealed is that President Bush and America is not only at war with Islamic terrorist, but with liberal democrats and their allies in the liberal media. It has also revealed a significant danger facing this country is the threat from within. American victory over Islamic Fascist in the war on terrorism is in peril until the liberals love this country more than they hate Bush or desire personal power.
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