I have already complained enough about the abuses of the first amendment and how free speech protects pan-handling, soliciting work on a sidewalk, flag and cross burning, yacking away in a cell phone.
Another thing that literally enrages me is the American Disability Act and the abuses it has generated. It drives me crazy when I see cars loaded with obese people sporting the handicapped sticker so they can park right at the entrance of their favorite junk food place. It drives me nuts when I read about these made up official “illnesses” such as the grooming disorder that protects the psychos and even allow lawsuits and money on top of special working arrangements and preferential treatments. Sure the ADA must have benefited real disabled persons, but its language is so vague that ambulance chasers allied with “disabled” con artists have made fortunes filing up lawsuits left and right and cashing settlements.
Should we, as a society, make it a norm to accommodate everybody, even small groups? Should we, as a society, make the fat people park on the other side of the parking lot to force them to exercise before eating or just accommodate their excesses and low self esteem? Should businesses accommodate wheelchairs, even cliff climbing or gymnastics shops? Should movie theatres playing vintage silent movies or painting galleries accommodate the blind? Should radio stations operate for the deaf? Should businesses adapt their cubicles to huge butts or should the persons go on a diet? Should the schools be forced to teach “learning challenged” kids? Should the governments be in the business of telling us how high the roll of toilet paper should be and where, left or right, the flushing handle should be positioned? Should we ban words like FAT, OBESE, PSYCHO, LUNATIC, CRAZY, STUPID and replace them with more adequate PC words? Should we redefine disabilities and handicaps using a common sense approach and not an emotional one? Should we ban lawyers from defining disabilities and treat lunatics instead of accommodating them?
The whole point of this posting is the following: how far should we go to accommodate everybody and do you think that the ADA has just been “hijacked” (to use a fashionable expression!)?
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