I have given some thought to liberal responses in various blog articles and letter to the newsletter editor. Their consistent accusations suggest a hatred for liberals, which could not be more wrong. Just because an admitted conservative questions liberal beliefs or the tenants of the liberal religion, they are not espousing hatred. I believe I speak for most conservatives when I offer this message to liberals. Don’t confuse hatred with a complete lack of respect. It’s the behavior, Stupid!
Think not? Approach this theory with analysis of behavior and some critical thinking. Liberals continuously demonstrate a hatred for President Bush, because he overcame democratic voting fraud and beat the dunce Al Gore and pathetically dishonest John Kerry. Liberals exhibit a consistent hatred of American society, corporate America, our military, our Constitution, when it opposes liberalism; a passionate hatred for God, Christianity, and the Ten Commandments or just about anything that is contrary to the teachings of the great liberal god, Karl Marx or violates his Communist Manifesto.
Liberals demonstrate a narcissistic arrogance that is obvious to all but them. They promote the worst of the species as political leaders then chastise those who don’t recognize their greatness. There is no hatred for their icons, only disrespect and disgust.
There is no hatred for the disgraceful Bill Clinton and his slattern wife Hillary. There is disgust in their co-complicity in various sexual crimes, perjury, obstruction of justice, criminal conduct and abuse of power with Whitewater-gate, Savings & Loan-gate, Vince Foster-gate, FBI File-gate, Travel-gate, and on and on. There is no hatred for the drunk murder and corrupt Sen. Teddy Kennedy; or the KKK leader Sen. Robert Byrd; or the race-mongering and assaulting Rep. Cynthia McKinney; or the extremely corrupt Sen. Schumer, Reid and Torricelli, or Rep. Alan Mollohan; or the homosexual brothel supporter Rep. Barney Frank; or the too stupid to breath crowd like Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Sen. Barbara Boxer. The list could go on but there is not enough room for millions of words or thousands of pages.
There is no hatred for the treasonous liberals who promote one lie after lie for personal gain or to advance the liberal agenda. Like Rep. McDermott calling the president a liar and adding that Hussein”s regime was worthy of American trust while in the Middle East, or Sen. Durbin comparing the U.S. military to Pol Pot”s thugs, Soviet gulag operators, and Nazi soldiers, or Sen. John Kerry, Durbin, Kennedy and former A.G. Ramsey Clark claiming the way the U.S. was running Abu Ghraib prison was no different than Saddam Hussein and was basically a change of management. Worse is Bill Clinton telling students at the American University of Dubai that the U.S. made a “big mistake” invading Iraq and praising Saddam”s underlings as mostly “good” and “decent” people who were making the best out of a very bad situation, or Al Gore telling a Saudi audience that the U.S. had committed “terrible atrocities” against Arabs after the Sept. 11th and Arabs had been “indiscriminately rounded up” and detained in “unforgivable conditions. The most outrageous was Sen. John Kerry accusing American soldiers of going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, women and breaking the historical customs and religious customs.
Suffice it to say it is the consistent deplorable behavior that results in a complete lack of respect for those who practice the religion of Liberalism, not hatred. This concept is incomprehensible for liberals as they are wrapped in a narcissistic, self-aggrandizing and arrogant view of self with a view of the world through the prism of hatred, self-loathing, guilt and denial, which is projected to everyone else. There is so much more to support the lack of respect.
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